Extend Your Local Team With Developers
from India
We have done this since 2012

PHP, .NET, Mobile: You name it, we have it!
YUHIRO has helped numerous clients from Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and Scandinavia to find developers in India. The developers work out of our premises in Kochi, Kerala, India.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it work?
Ans: We only work with professional Developers from India with proven success working with customers from Europe and North America, those with experience that the job comes naturally to.
How does the collaboration work?
Ans: The past few years have shown us, that the best way to collaborate is via direct contact between the Indian developer and our client’s team. We therefore hire the developer in the name of YUHIRO and this developer will work for your team and company exclusively.
Is there a management in India, we can approach if we have doubts or questions?
Ans: We have a management team in India that can answer any administrative requests. The development itself is done in direct collaboration with the developers.
How much does it cost?
Ans: You will be paying the salary of the developer, which is made transparent, as well as a monthly fee. The complete recruitment process is free of cost.
Can the developer come to our location?
Ans: It is a good idea to take the developer to your location so that they can get to know the team personally. Many of our clients usually take the developers for 3 to 6 weeks to help establish a working relationship
Can we ask the developer questions before we hire him/ her?
Ans: You as the client are involved in every step of the recruitment process from the start. Usually, there will be a phone conference, where the client can ask the developer technical questions and conduct coding tests if required.
How It Works

Step 1: Requirements
Together with you, we set the requirements the developer should fulfill, like core competencies, experience, technology knowledge, and communication abilities.

Step 2: Selection
We use job announcements, our developer database, and referrals to find suitable developers for the opening. From those applicants, we will choose two to three profiles.

Step 3: Interview
The best profiles will be selected for you and sent for your review. After that, there will be hiring interviews via phone or Skype, in which the competencies of the developers are determined.

Step 4: Start
We provide the developer for you, in our premises in Kochi, India. From now on you have an additional competent developer, who works for you and your team.
Technologies We Offer

Interested? Let’s get started!
Request a free consultation and learn how we work. Kindly fill out the form below and get in contact with us.