Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js

Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js Node.js is an open-source JavaScript platform for easily developing server-side and real-time networking applications using a runtime environment. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It has a non-blocking, event-driven input-output model, making it efficient and lightweight. It uses a single-threaded event-based loop to ensure that no executions are … Read more

What are the Salaries of the Software Developers in India?

What are the Salaries of the Software Developers in India? Software developers have become an unavoidable part of the IT industry over the past few years. The software development sector, one of India’s most elite white-collar jobs, attracts thousands of young people. It is possible to break into the software-developing industry if you invest time … Read more

How to Reduce Technical Debt in Software Development

How to Reduce Technical Debt in Software Development Technical debt is the idea that cutting corners or postponing tasks to finish a project or accomplish a goal more quickly ultimately results in more rework. In the software development domain, there are times when a development team opts to deliver less elegant, less efficient, or less … Read more

Low Code vs Traditional Software Development: Which is Best for You?

Low Code vs Traditional Software Development: Which is Best for You? Every software development company wants its strategy to work best. Low-code and traditional software development strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages, which you should know about to choose the best one for you. As you know, traditional software development involves manually coding apps. … Read more

5 Benefits of Reusing Code for Software Development

5 Benefits of Reusing Code for Software Development Code reuse or software reuse is a popular and productive practice in the software development industry. It involves repurposing or recycling pre-existing code to develop new software applications or improve existing applications. For software developers, this can be very helpful in simplifying and speeding up software production, … Read more

7 Benefits of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

7 Benefits of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Software development is a significant process that necessitates a methodical approach in order to produce high-quality software. The Software Development Life Cycle, or SDLC, is the name given to this structured approach. It is the fundamental methodology that guides developers through the complex process of software … Read more

What is Software Development Time Estimation?

What is Software Development Time Estimation? Software development estimation is the process of estimating how long it will take to finish all of the tasks related to software development so that the product can be released onto the market. The project’s complexity and scope, the team’s experience, and the ease of access to all resources … Read more

Coding Standards: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Coding Standards: What Are They and Why Are They Important? Coding standards are a collection of guidelines and rules that developers must adhere to in order to produce high-quality code that is error-free, readable, and efficient with few bugs. It refers to those coding rules, techniques, and accepted best practices that the development team should … Read more