Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a type of incremental software development model that focuses on delivering the software as individual pieces or parts and not on the entire application. In an evolving landscape, it has allowed the teams to collaborate for efficient delivery of business value. It also helps companies quickly respond to changes in the market as well as customer needs.
It promotes innovation and allows teams to work more efficiently. Agile software development has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many companies have adopted it as their preferred method for developing software. In this article, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of agile software development.
How Does it Benefit?
Agile software development offers several advantages, such as improved communication and collaboration, shorter development cycles, and more flexible and adaptable systems. However, there are also some disadvantages, such as increased complexity and the need for more specialised skills. Here are some of the benefits of the methodology:
- Product Delivery of Superior Quality
- Satisfied Clients
- Enhanced Predictability
- Greater Adaptability
- Constant Progress
- A Higher Level of Team Spirit
1. Product Delivery of Superior Quality
As you are aware, agile project management is iterative and involves continuous software delivery. It involves testing the product during the whole execution phase, which will ultimately help in developing superior products for customers.
Customers will also be involved in every step of the development process. They will have effective communication with the team to discuss any changes they would like to see made to the product to better meet the needs of the market. It will help the teams keep on learning and growing with time and continue improving.
2. Satisfied Clients
When compared to traditional software development methodologies, clients have a say in the planning and execution of the development process in agile. They are involved in decision-making, their opinions are taken into account, and changes are made accordingly. This collaborative approach leads to better customer satisfaction and a better product. It also guarantees that the project is finished on time and within budget.
Also, the go-to-market time of the product is therefore reduced significantly. The product owner will be able to take full advantage of the opportunity and, in certain situations, benefit from being the first to market. So, naturally, clients will return to make use of your service since they get to enjoy such benefits.
3. Enhanced Predictability
With an agile framework, the developer team can predict any risks in the process, find practical solutions to mitigate them, and ensure that the project is running smoothly. Therefore, there will be no risk of any project failing by using this method. If any of the small sprints are delivered and face any problems, there will always be others remaining so that the process can be completed as planned.
4. Greater Adaptability
When a project team applies the methodology correctly, it gives them unmatched flexibility. Product owners provide ongoing input and are involved in teamwork, which is done in shorter spurts. Changes in other project management methodologies are typically expensive and time-consuming.
But the methodology breaks the project up into manageable, short sprints that are flexible enough to let the team make last-minute adjustments. One of the main reasons dynamic organisations choose to use Agile in their projects is its unparalleled flexibility.
5. Constant Progress
The Agile Manifesto calls for self-reflection and continuous improvement as core principles. Iterations are part of the methodology, so each sprint will be better than the last, and previous mistakes won’t be repeated. Team members can learn from shared experiences and improve together using this methodology, which foster an open culture of idea exchange and collaboration.
6. A Higher Level of Team Spirit
Agile teams have more autonomy and decision-making power because they are self-organizing and self-managing. The project manager protects the team from management and sponsor meddling. Members can develop in their current roles and acquire new project management skills due to the cross-functional nature of the teams.
The team meets often to talk about obstacles and progress, which improves teamwork. The methodology fosters a close-knit community where teams can have adaptable team structures because of the small team sizes.
What are the Drawbacks?

Agile is only for some, even with its many advantages. Therefore, it is critical to understand the drawbacks of the methodology. Keeping that in mind, here are the top five drawbacks of the methodology.
- Ineffective Resource Allocation
- Limited Documentation
- Fragmented Results
- Not A Definitive End
- Hard to Measure
1. Ineffective Resource Allocation
It can be challenging to predict early on in a project what efforts, resources, and time will be needed, and this challenge grows with the size and complexity of projects. The methodology is based on the assumption that teams will not know from the beginning what their final product, or even a few cycles of delivery later, will look like.
2. Limited Documentation
Agile projects document the process continuously, frequently “just in time” for creating the final product rather than starting from scratch. It thus gets less specific and frequently gets pushed aside, which makes it challenging to track progress and provide feedback to the team. It also makes it difficult to identify potential risks and issues that may arise during the project.
3. Fragmented Results
Although incremental delivery can hasten product launch, it is a significant drawback of the methodology. It is due to the fact that teams that work on each component in separate cycles typically produce an output that is highly fragmented rather than a single, cohesive unit.
4. Not A Definitive End
Agile projects often get sidetracked when delivering new, unexpected functionality because it requires less planning in the beginning. It also implies that projects have no end in sight because there is never a precise idea of what the “final product” will look like.
5. Hard to Measure
The methodology delivers in increments, so you have to look across cycles to track your progress. Additionally, you are unable to set many KPIs at the beginning of the project due to its “see-as-you-go” nature. Progress is hard to measure in that long game.
The article would have armed you with knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of agile software development. Benefits range from improving the quality of the product to fostering the professional development of the team members. And there are drawbacks, too, as mentioned above. So, take a closer look at them if you are set to choose the methodology to get your projects done
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Hi, my name is Rahil. I work at YUHIRO Global and I help web agencies and software companies from Europe to build developer teams in India.